How the Arts and Cutlure Helps the Philadelphia Cmmunity

Map of different colored sections

Photo courtesy of Policy Map

How can a web tool be developed to help people understand the relationship between cultural engagement and economic development?

Philadelphia has a vast trove of inventiveness- and civilisation-related assets. Over the urban center's long history, these avails have stimulated neighborhood-based economic development and brought vitality to the city'south different neighborhoods. However, there has never been a primary resource bachelor to access information near the many artists, organizations, and events. For those public and private entities wishing to make new customs investments based on these of import sites, a new resource, CultureBlocks, was developed to enable wide accessibility to economical, demographic, and geographic data for the purposes of understanding the relationship between culture and neighborhoods and driving hereafter investment decisions.


As Pennsylvania'south largest city, Philadelphia has a centuries-long tradition of cultivating arts and culture. Today the city is habitation to many meaning arts institutions, such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Kimmel Eye of the Performing Arts, and the Rodin Museum, and holds i of the largest collections of public art in the nation. Begun in 1872, the Association for Public Art was the offset individual clan in the nation dedicated to the integration of public art and urban planning. Also, Philadelphia has more public murals than any other American city, influenced by the Department of Recreation's Mural Arts Program begun in 1984.


With over ane.v million residents, Philadelphia is the country'south 5th nigh populated city and the largest city in the State of Pennsylvania. The population is diverse, including the 3rd largest population of African Americans in the country at merely over 43% of the Philadelphia residents. Within the urban center, the median household income is just over $52,000 per year. As in any larger city, Philadelphia's creative and cultural avails tend to be clustered into different neighborhood zones and the Metropolis knew it needed to identify the particular cultural geographies that existed beyond the city in order to support potential investments and encourage revitalization in underserved areas with low- moderate income levels.



Like so many American cities, Philadelphia was stung by the economical collapse of 2008. As the city emerged from the recession, local leaders placed an emphasis on neighborhood economic development. As broad discussions across the urban center considered dissimilar options for investment, The Reinvestment Fund (TFR) (a Philadelphia-based Community Evolution Fiscal Institution) recognized the of import role that fine art and culture play in neighborhood revitalization and set out to gather information on the existing artistic assets across Philadelphia. TRF discovered that while some arts and cultural data was available from scattered sources, there was not a primary resources that provided a complete picture. To promote the arts and investigate the linkages betwixt artistic energy and neighborhood development, TRF knew this resource of arts information needed to be overlaid with other socioeconomic data, such as median family income, poverty rate, educational attainment, and property values.


Responding to this lack of reliable information, TRF set out to create an online tool that would map Philadelphia's many cultural assets, allowing users to locate organizations geographically and understand the information in relationship to larger data sets. CultureBlocks, equally information technology came to be called, makes Philadelphia arts and civilization data publicly and hands accessible. The tool maps 4 chief cultural indicators--Nonprofit Arts and Cultural Providers,Creative Businesses, Resident Artists, and Cultural Program Participants--and facilitates public and private investment in specific neighborhoods around clusters of artistic activeness. It also assists creatively inclined people in locating and identifying each other, therefore increasing sensation and networking. To better inform public policy and investment decisions, TRF would map these sites aslope socioeconomic data. Underscoring its usefulness to outside entities, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said, "this geodatabase is an tool that will serve equally an nugget to leverage the role that arts, culture, and creative businesses play in helping the City to exist a place of choice for businesses and residents."



Partnership was central to the development and success of CultureBlocks, and a number of key organizations had to take on dissimilar roles in social club to create a comprehensive resource. Philadelphia's Office of Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy (OACCE) gathered stakeholders in the arts and culture customs early to guide the development of the website and subsequently managed tool marketing, outreach, and social engagement. The Section of Commerce helped oversee the project and supplied some of the critical data on the tool. The Social Affect of the Arts Projects (SIAP), a research grouping at the University of Pennsylvania, brought research expertise in gathering and analyzing arts and cultural data. The Reinvestment Fund brought all-encompassing local evolution noesis to the squad, every bit well equally the mapping platform PolicyMap that underlies the application. The projection depended on successfully bringing this varied expertise to the table and distilling all the ideas and information into a single user-friendly web tool.


SIAP conducted a comprehensive assay of the association between the 4 master cultural indicators and socioeconomic indicators and geographically coded the information to connect it with census data. The project team compiled a livability index, using demographic diversity, housing quality, and ecology quality as markers. To create an initial online prototype, the data was overlaid onto the PolicyMap platform, communicating the information geographically and interactively. To ensure they effectively conveyed content, TRF orchestrated an extensive focus group strategy, allowing participants to answer to data content and to examination demos of the website interface. From the stakeholder date procedure, the City of Philadelphia identified 4 major areas of interest groups for the resource: Real Estate / Economic Development; Creative / Creative Programming; Nugget- based Marketing; and Funder / Capacity Building. They anticipated the employ of the tool to exist various. For example, arts program managers could potentially find partners or place audiences; commerce and tourism sectors could promote the City'due south cultural amenities and communities; and city planners could include cultural activities as a component of district and neighborhood plans. One time it was refined, taking into business relationship public feedback, TRF launched a beta version, which enabled user groups to be brought together to refine the data for the iv primary cultural indicators and the web developers to identify glitches that may have slipped through the development phase. OACCE then publicized the site, holding a printing event and launching it publicly.


CultureBlocks pulled together critical data, expressed through the 4 principal cultural indicators, on a public scale that had been unprecedented in Philadelphia. "No other site exists in the city with access to and so much geographic data related to the arts," said PolicyMap Manager Maggie McCullough. Equally a result of the resource, public and private investors can make informed decisions about linking developments with arts- and civilisation-related avails. The Metropolis of Philadelphia's Commerce Section used the tool to aid design a community development cake grant recoverable loan program to encourage business organization attraction and expansion in the Metropolis's neighborhood commercial corridors. The Philadelphia Cultural Fund used the tool equally a means of marketing to additional organizations that might be eligible for funding, resulting in double the number of applicants from 2012 to 2013. The resource has also promoted the City's cultural assets for tourism and cultural recreation. The Metropolis Planning Commission used the tool to quickly and thoroughly identify arts/cultural assets for their 2035 neighborhood plans. Project leaders report the process of creating the resource fostered new partnerships among arts and culture organizations and encouraged nonprofits and service organizations to comprise the arts into their activities.


The website is only as useful every bit long as information technology provides current information. There are costs associated with resources connected relevancy—data updates, research, web evolution, and web server space. Using funds secured past the Urban center, CultureBlocks is existence updated over the summer/fall of 2014. Organizers report that they have been contacted by other cities interested in pursuing similar strategies. The project's core vision was to brand information attainable to outside entities, setting upwardly the information that others tin can brand actionable. Though the project data volition undoubtedly catalyze many projects across Philadelphia, many of the project'south impacts will be facilitated past the website itself. Since its launch in Jump 2013, CultureBlocks has had nearly twoscore,000 page views from 9,000 users. Along with this success, however, project leaders have institute the concept of "if you build information technology, they will come" non to entirely hold truthful. Use of the website has been dependent on good, consistent marketing efforts, including case studies, console presentations, email letters, and public events.


Civilization Blocks Website
A free mapping tool that supports people making decisions about place and creativity in Philadelphia

Cultural Ecology, Neighborhood Vitality, and Social Wellbeing
A Culture Blocks Final Enquiry Report


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